Would you like to work with Marseille Provence Airport as a provider or a service supplier?

Here is our page dedicated to calls for tenders

Regulatory framework

Aéroport Marseille Provence SA is a private company with public capital. It must comply with EU Directive 2014/25/EU on procurement in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors. The competition rules for its purchases fall under the Public Order Code which came into force on 1 April 2019;

The formalized procedural thresholds applicable since 1 January 2024 are:
Works ≥ 5 538K€ HT
Supplies and services≥ 443 K€ HT.
Below these thresholds: Adapted procedure.

Our consultations are published > €40K excluding VAT via the https://marches.mrs.aero/ purchasing platform. 
Marseille Provence Airport has set up a Purchasing Committee to decide on the choice of candidates for any purchase > to 400 K€ HT


This is for your to know us better, to respond to our calls for tenders via our https://marches.mrs.aero purchasing platform and to read documents with contractual value downloadable below.

Documents with contractual value:

Calls for tenders

If you want to support us in the realization of our projects, register for free on our Purchasing Platform in order to:  

Don’t wait any longer to register on  https://marches.mrs.aero

To access the current consultations, click here:   https://marches.mrs.aero/?page=entreprise.EntrepriseAdvancedSearch&AllCons


Postal address:
Département Achats
Aéroport Marseille Provence
BP 7 - Aéroport
13727 Marignane cedex


Access to Buying department:
Département Achats
Aéroport Marseille Provence
13700 Marignane