Bus & shuttles
Vitrolles Gare- Vitrolles Pierre Plantée - Airbus Helicopters

Lebus 13, 13A and 13B between Marseille-Provence Airport (bus station - Platform 5) and the TER station Vitrolles-Aéroport Marseille Provence (VAMP) - 7 days a week, 365 days a year including Sundays and public holidays.
- line 13A between Aéroport, VAMP station and Airbus from 6.30am to 8.00pm, one departure every 12 minutes.
- line 13B between Pierre Plantée, Airbus and VAMP station from 6.30am to 9.30pm, departing every 40 minutes, with departure times at Pierre Plantée designed for connections with metro lines 210 and 211, or with certain trains at VAMP station.
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays:
- line 13 between Pierre Plantée and VAMP station
All info on https://www.lametropolemobilite.fr/ or https://www.salonetangcotebleue.fr/
LebusL13 shuttle access: EUR 1.20 - Etang de Berre bus network unit ticket
Lebus L13 is included in the Metropolitan Pass
Estimated journey time *: 5 minutes