Press releases
Marseille Provence Airport and the city of Marignane signed a partnership charter "Living well together"
Today, Thursday October 3rd, the city of Marignane and Marseille Provence Airport signed a partnership charter called "Living well together". Through this approach, the signatories of this charter are committed to sustainable growth. The charter details the actions that Marseille Provence Airport and the city of Marignane jointly decide to undertake in terms of territorial, economic and social cooperation.
The city of Marignane and the Marseille Provence Airport have initiated a joint reflection for the development of the territory, creating jobs and value for the municipality of Marignane, the Metropolis and the Region. On the economic and social level, joint actions have been undertaken, such as:
- keep the airport's recruitment needs in touch with the search for jobs in the Gnan area;
- work hand in hand with colleges and high schools in Marignane to provide information on the attractiveness of the professions at Marseille Provence Airport and develop the reception of trainees, for example through guided tours, some of which are being organized for the beginning of next year;
- create a Marseille Provence Airport fund as part of a call for projects from Marignane associations for the development of innovative projects in terms of sustainable development, civic engagement or the attractiveness of the territory;
- networking investors and economic partners, which will facilitate access to the land supply and increase awareness of the territory's economic players;
- promote local tourism (in particular the Jaï district in Marignane).
Etre accepté par l’environnement est au centre des préoccupations d’Aéroport Marseille Provence
C’est pourquoi, la charte est un engagement, sur le plan économique, social et environnemental, à des actions conjointes, telles que :
- préserver les espèces protégées et valoriser ses espaces naturels, en particulier sur la zone Ouest de sa concession, située sur la ville de Marignane ;
- réaliser une analyse conjointe des opérations d’insonorisation de logements ou d’activités (telles que des écoles) relevant d’un financement par la taxe sur les nuisances sonores aériennes ;
- relancer la communication autour de l’aide à l’insonorisation des habitations riveraines, en partenariat étroit avec la commune ;
- rechercher en coopération avec les services compétents de la navigation aérienne, une solution d’affichage des trajectoires suivies par les aéronefs en vue de s’assurer du respect des contraintes en vigueur, une information qui doit être facilement accessible par les riverains ;
- promouvoir la mobilité durable (pistes cyclables, véhicules électriques, transports en commun).
Eric LE DISSES, Mayor of Marignane said: “For the first time in our great shared history, the city of Marignane and the Marseille-Provence airport have decided to formalize 97 years of common life by signing a partnership charter. This charter will sanctify our joint ambition to “Live well together”. Thus, our airport becomes a true citizen of Marignane and can finally become part of the life of our city by participating in and helping to promote our territory and its development while respecting ecological balances and the quality of life of the inhabitants. . To this end, the city and the airport are together preparing an exemplary development project for the near future. "
Philippe BERNAND, Chairman of Marseille Provence Airport: "Our development will be sustainable or not. The Airport cannot conceive of developing other than sustainably and with its territory. We are therefore very happy to sign today, jointly with the city of Marignane, our partnership charter Living well together. This charter was built in a spirit of dialogue and consultation and we are proud to have achieved such a partnership today. " Regular monitoring of commitments made Biannual meetings will be organized in order to monitor the implementation of the guidelines of this charter and the actions undertaken.
This principle of a partnership charter is intended to extend to other municipalities bordering the airport, in the same spirit of dialogue and consultation.
Marseille Provence Airport and the city of Marignane signed a partnership charter "Living well together"
Today, Thursday October 3rd, the city of Marignane and Marseille Provence Airport signed a partnership charter called "Living well together". Through this approach, the signatories of this charter are committed to sustainable growth. The charter details the actions that Marseille Provence Airport and the city of Marignane jointly decide to undertake in terms of territorial, economic and social cooperation.
The city of Marignane and the Marseille Provence Airport have initiated a joint reflection for the development of the territory, creating jobs and value for the municipality of Marignane, the Metropolis and the Region. On the economic and social level, joint actions have been undertaken, such as:
- keep the airport's recruitment needs in touch with the search for jobs in the Gnan area;
- work hand in hand with colleges and high schools in Marignane to provide information on the attractiveness of the professions at Marseille Provence Airport and develop the reception of trainees, for example through guided tours, some of which are being organized for the beginning of next year;
- create a Marseille Provence Airport fund as part of a call for projects from Marignane associations for the development of innovative projects in terms of sustainable development, civic engagement or the attractiveness of the territory;
- networking investors and economic partners, which will facilitate access to the land supply and increase awareness of the territory's economic players;
- promote local tourism (in particular the Jaï district in Marignane).
Etre accepté par l’environnement est au centre des préoccupations d’Aéroport Marseille Provence
C’est pourquoi, la charte est un engagement, sur le plan économique, social et environnemental, à des actions conjointes, telles que :
- préserver les espèces protégées et valoriser ses espaces naturels, en particulier sur la zone Ouest de sa concession, située sur la ville de Marignane ;
- réaliser une analyse conjointe des opérations d’insonorisation de logements ou d’activités (telles que des écoles) relevant d’un financement par la taxe sur les nuisances sonores aériennes ;
- relancer la communication autour de l’aide à l’insonorisation des habitations riveraines, en partenariat étroit avec la commune ;
- rechercher en coopération avec les services compétents de la navigation aérienne, une solution d’affichage des trajectoires suivies par les aéronefs en vue de s’assurer du respect des contraintes en vigueur, une information qui doit être facilement accessible par les riverains ;
- promouvoir la mobilité durable (pistes cyclables, véhicules électriques, transports en commun).
Eric LE DISSES, Mayor of Marignane said: “For the first time in our great shared history, the city of Marignane and the Marseille-Provence airport have decided to formalize 97 years of common life by signing a partnership charter. This charter will sanctify our joint ambition to “Live well together”. Thus, our airport becomes a true citizen of Marignane and can finally become part of the life of our city by participating in and helping to promote our territory and its development while respecting ecological balances and the quality of life of the inhabitants. . To this end, the city and the airport are together preparing an exemplary development project for the near future. "
Philippe BERNAND, Chairman of Marseille Provence Airport: "Our development will be sustainable or not. The Airport cannot conceive of developing other than sustainably and with its territory. We are therefore very happy to sign today, jointly with the city of Marignane, our partnership charter Living well together. This charter was built in a spirit of dialogue and consultation and we are proud to have achieved such a partnership today. " Regular monitoring of commitments made Biannual meetings will be organized in order to monitor the implementation of the guidelines of this charter and the actions undertaken.
This principle of a partnership charter is intended to extend to other municipalities bordering the airport, in the same spirit of dialogue and consultation.